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HCC Foundation Community Cares

The purpose of the Community Cares initiative is to not only support a one-time public project deemed to benefit the greater Henderson area but to also allow our Boards, Sponsors, and Members an opportunity to engage with our non-profit community.


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Picture of a judge at a desk writing on paper with gavel placed in front of them.
By Aviva Gordon, Gordon Law 26 Aug, 2024
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently faced a significant judicial challenge regarding its new rule aimed at banning non-compete agreements . This rule, which was set to take effect on September 4, 2024, has been a topic of intense debate and legal scrutiny. Here’s a detailed look at the developments and implications of this judicial challenge. The FTC introduced the non-compete rule in May 2024, with the goal of prohibiting almost all non-compete agreements between employers and workers. The FTC argued that these agreements constituted unfair methods of competition, which are prohibited under Section 5 of the FTC Act. The rule was seen as a bold move to protect workers’ rights and promote fair competition in the labor market. On August 20, 2024, U.S. a case brought in Texas granted the plaintiffs’ motion for summary judgment , setting aside the FTC’s non-compete rule nationwide . The court reaffirmed that the FTC exceeded its statutory authority and that the rule was arbitrary and capricious . This ruling prevents the rule from taking effect on its scheduled date of September 4, 2024 . The nationwide injunction has significant implications. It prevents the FTC from enforcing the rule across the entire United States, not just against the plaintiffs involved in the case . This decision marks a major setback for the FTC’s efforts to regulate non-compete agreements through broad rulemaking. The FTC has indicated that it is seriously considering an appeal of Judge Brown’s decision . Additionally, other legal challenges are pending in federal courts in Pennsylvania and Florida, which could lead to different outcomes and potentially create a circuit split . This situation sets the stage for a possible review by the U.S. Supreme Court. The judicial challenge to the FTC non-compete rule highlights the complexities and controversies surrounding regulatory authority and labor market regulations. As the legal battles continue, the future of non-compete agreements in the United States remains uncertain. Employers and workers alike should stay informed about these developments, as the outcomes will have far-reaching impacts on employment practices and competition law.
Scrabble letters spelling out the words
By Jacob Carrico, Director of Advising, Nevada Small Business Development Center 13 Aug, 2024
The shift towards remote work, accelerated by the global events of 2020, has brought new perspectives on where and how businesses can operate. Whether you're considering working from home, utilizing a co-working space, or renting a traditional office or storefront, understanding the pros and cons of each option is crucial for making the best decision for your business in 2024. Work From Home Operating your business from home offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing you to set your own schedule and avoid the costs associated with renting a separate space. However, it’s important to ensure that your home environment supports your work needs. Zoning laws, space requirements, and potential distractions should all be considered. If your business requires client visits, significant storage, or generates noise or odors, a home-based setup might not be the best fit. Maintaining a productive work-life balance is also crucial. Designating a specific workspace, sticking to structured work hours, and avoiding social isolation are key strategies for success when working from home. Co-working Spaces Co-working spaces have grown in popularity, especially as businesses seek cost-effective and flexible office solutions. In 2024, businesses can save as much as 30% on operational costs by opting for a co-working space over a traditional office lease. This is particularly beneficial for startups and small teams, as co-working spaces often come fully equipped with necessary amenities, reducing the need for upfront investments in furniture and utilities. For example, a business with 10 employees could save nearly $48,000 annually by choosing co-working over traditional leasing in certain U.S. cities. Additionally, the shared nature of these spaces fosters networking and collaboration, which can be invaluable for growing businesses. Renting an Office or Storefront Leasing a dedicated office or storefront remains a preferred option for many businesses that require a physical presence to connect with customers. However, the financial commitment is significant, and it’s crucial to carefully assess the location, including factors like foot traffic, nearby competition, and accessibility. The costs associated with leasing traditional office space can vary widely depending on location. For instance, in some Western U.S. cities, the cost of leasing an office can be nearly double that of a co-working space. While the upfront costs and ongoing expenses are higher, the benefits of having a dedicated space that reflects your brand can outweigh the costs, especially for businesses that rely on customer interaction. Conclusion Selecting the right workspace is a pivotal decision that can greatly impact your business's success. Whether you choose to work from home, join a co-working space, or lease an office, understanding your specific business needs and the associated costs will help you make an informed choice that supports your growth in 2024 and beyond. Need advice on what solution is best for your Nevada small business? Receive no-cost and confidential small business advising from experts at https://nevadasbdc.org . Through the Nevada State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI), Nevada SBDC advising services are designed to prepare you for access to capital. Thereby promoting economic growth through business starts, increased sales and job creation. To enhance a business’s capacity to secure capital but also fortify its operational resilience, positioning it for sustainable growth and success in a competitive market. With the idea to address market gaps and promote the growth of small businesses across all communities in Nevada, this program very small businesses and social and economically disadvantaged individuals. Learn more at https://nevadasbdc.org/ssbci .
Discover the impact of the Henderson Chamber of Commerce's 2000-member milestone on community streng
06 Aug, 2024
Wow, 2000 members! That’s quite an achievement for the Henderson Chamber of Commerce (HCC). It’s not just a number—this milestone represents a significant step in strengthening our community, advocating for local businesses, and providing incredible value to our members. Let’s break down what this means for everyone involved. 
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